Expert teachers deliver the curriculum. Ofsted, 2021

Students achieve well in all subjects. Ofsted, 2021

Students behave...very well. Ofsted, 2021

Teachers are highly skilled and have very strong subject knowledge. Ofsted, 2021

Pupils feel safe. Ofsted, 2021

Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent. Ofsted, 2021

Sixth form students are strong role models for younger pupils. Ofsted, 2021

Pupils in the sixth form achieve exceptionally well. Ofsted, 2021

(Students) receive exceptional guidance on their next steps. Ofsted 2021

Pupils takes pride in all they achieve. Ofsted, 2021

The academic sixth form offers an ambitious...curriculum. Ofsted, 2021

The quality of education that pupils receive is outstanding. Ofsted, 2021

Sixth form students are inspired with a love of learning. Ofsted, 2021

(Students) are very well prepared for future education... Ofsted 2021

(Students) learn exceptionally well (and) achieve highly in examinations. Ofsted 2021

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