Application Timeline

17th October 2024     J6th Open Evening at Beverley High School

8th November 2024  Deadline for the return of Initial Interest Form. This will indicate initial subject choice.

31st January 2025  Students will be given a provisional choices form to complete.  Students will be asked to indicate their choices by choosing a subject from the option blocks listed.

12th February 2025  Visit Beverley Grammar School to find out more about what J6 can offer including support for Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry and our Routes Into.. programme.

14th February 2025 Deadline for the submission of your provisional choices form 

Late February 2025 Letters confirming your offer of a place to study at Beverley Jont 6th will be sent out

3rd and 4th July 2025  Sixth Form Induction Days at Beverley Grammar School and Beverley High School will take place. 

21st August 2025  GCSE Results.  Students are invited to confirm their decision to join Beverley Joint 6th.

3rd September 2025    Year 12 lessons start for students.